Nutri-Score is a logo showing the nutritional quality of food products with an A to E classifiation. Using the Nutri-Score, products can be easily and quickly compared.

Nutri-Score was initiated by de Sante Publique France and selected by the French government as the nutrition label to be used on food products. Meanwhile it is the official nutrition label in Spain and Belgium with many food companies form other companies showing the Nutri-score on their products as well.

What is behind Nutri-score ? How is the nutritional score calculated ? What counts as sugar ? How is the final score determined ? How is the salt -sodium conversion calculated ?

The answer to these and almost 50 other scientific & technical questions can be found in a document published by the Sante Publique France.

Interested in the full document ? Use the following Sante Publique France link to download the document: FAQ Nutri-Score